Payment only on the 9th day of testing
Reliable and detailed testing for guaranteed approval on the Google Play Store
We will test your app for 14 days on 14 devices without uninstalling the app during the testing period.
14 days of testing on 14 devices to help you gain approval after the closed testing phase.
A qualified team with over a year of experience in app testing to ensure the highest standards of quality and performance.
We will open all pages of your app for 5 minutes daily.
Learn how to start testing your apps with our quick and simple process.
Fill out the registration form
We will provide you with the list of tester emails, which you can add to your Google Console for closed testing.
After receiving initial approval, send us the closed testing link, and we will start testing for 14 days.
After that, you can successfully apply for production. Approval guaranteed.
Made for your needs